Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What are the causes of Insomnia and why many people don't get enough sleep and feel tired in the morning

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Not getting enough sleep due to insomnia is a problem that can derail almost everything about your life. Failing to get enough sleep makes it difficult to focus, to concentrate, and to be energetic. A lack of sleep can also have lethal consequences if you operate heavy machinery or try to drive. Here are just a few of the common causes behind insomnia.

In some instance, insomnia might be due to your environment. A majority of people have the ability to sleep better when the environment is dart and peaceful. This seems like it wouldn't be that hard to ensure. However, this can be hard to do with all of the roads, busy neighbors and other intrusions. Although it might be hard to get the perfect sleeping environment, there are things that can be done to make it better. Items like a white noise machine can eliminate some of the noises that are in your environment. A few people seem to think that electrical currents are capable of producing disruptions too. So, if this is the case, you may want to unplug your electrical gadgets before jumping into bed.

Sleep apnea is another common culprit for those who aren't getting enough restful sleep at night. This condition causes sufferers to be unable to stay asleep throughout the night. Sleep apnea can be caused by a blockage of the airway, or by the brain not sending the right signals to the respiratory system. The bottom line is that when you suffer from apnea your breathing while sleeping is constantly interrupted. There are symptoms of this condition that are fairly easy to identify but you'll need to get a diagnosis from a "sleep center" before treatment can begin. Partners of people who suffer from sleep apnea often complain of the loud and constant snoring while those who suffer from the condition complain of headaches and a prevailing feeling of exhaustion. You'll be glad to know that there is a wide range of treatment options for sleep apnea that are highly effective. But it can be serious if left untreated because your body is not getting enough oxygen while you sleep.

One cause of insomnia for some people is trying to get more sleep than you really need. For example, a few insomnia sufferers, are in bed more than people who do not have problems. Try to find out how many hours of sleep your body will need to function properly. If, for example, your ideal amount of sleep is seven hours but you try every night to get eight hours, you may be causing your own insomnia by going to bed too early. Also, if you opt for naps during the day, you will not want to sleep a lot of hours at night. If this is the case, either stop taking naps or recognize that you don't have to go to bed as early. This is not the same for everyone. But, there are those who can alleviate their insomnia just by staying awake longer.

There are several possible causes for insomnia and when you figure out what's causing yours, you will be able to treat it properly. Not getting enough sleep can adversely affect your life in many ways, so you don't want to ignore this. Don't make the mistake of thinking these are the only causes for insomnia - there are many more. Once you understand why you're having trouble sleeping, you can make the necessary changes or get the proper treatment.